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Optimal Solution Discrepancy Between Convex and Non-Convex Models



1 comment

  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Chenhui, 

    What version of Gurobi are you using?

    Starting from Gurobi version 11.0.0, nonconvex models are solved to global optimality using outer approximation and spatial branch-and-bound when the parameter FuncNonlinear is set to 1.

    Before Gurobi version 11.0.0, nonconvex models were solved by replacing the nonlinear constraints with their piecewise-linear approximations. Therefore, the solution using this approach is an approximation though it can be very close to the actual optimal solution depending on the number of pieces used to approximate the nonlinear functions. 

    Please check the General Constraints documentation for more details on how Gurobi handles nonlinear functions.

    Since solving nonconvex models is more challenging in terms of computation time and accuracy, solving your problem as a convex optimization model is generally preferable.

    Best regards,



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