Getting Number of Non-zero Entries in the Constraints After Presolve in Julia
AnsweredHello Team,
I am a researcher working in economics and I have a question about obtaining specific model information under the Julia JuMP framework. Say that I have set up a generic linear program in Julia and the model has been optimized. I know that I can obtain the number of non-zero entries in the constraint before presolve using
Hi Henry,
I want to know if there is a way to obtain the number of non-zero entries in the constraint after presolve. I know the information can be retrieved from the log file, but I was wondering if there is a way to obtain the information programmatically without parsing the log file. This would really help with my research. Thanks!
There is currently no way to obtain the number of non-zeros after presolve has been performed. Currently, the only way to obtain this information is to parse the log output. This can be done via a MESSAGE callback.
Please note that the NumNZ attribute reports the number of all non-zeros in linear constraints and not the number of non-zeros in a specific constraint.
Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
Thanks for the answer!
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