Stock level optimisation
Awaiting user inputI am trying to solve the following problem:
Given the dataframe with columns:
- location
- product
- current_stock
- demand
- price
I want to optimize the unmet demand given additional constraints:
- the number of shipments from one location cannot exceed a given threshold like 50
- the value of each package sent cannot be lower then $250
I use the code below. I think it works quite well if the number of products/locations is not that big like 50 or 100. But when I run it on a full problem with more than 100 locations and couple thousands of products the only solution it finds is 0.
I don't get it, why there is a non zero solution which improves the satisfied demand for 50 products and it cannot improve for a full set. I expected that in worst case it should find the solution for 50 products leaving all other 0.
def optimize_demand_gurobi_with_more_constraints(min_stock, current_stock, demand, price, locations, products,max_time):
log_system_status("Opt started")
m = Model("Unsatisfied_Demand_Optimization")
m.setParam('OutputFlag', 1) # Enable output for more verbose logging
# m.params.Method = 1
# m.params.SoftMemLimit = 170
m.params.Presolve = 2
m.params.PreSparsify = 1
# m.params.NodefileStart = 0.5
# m.params.Threads =
m.params.LogFile = add_timestamp_to_filename('logs/GRB_opt.txt')
m.params.DegenMoves = 0
m.params.TimeLimit = max_time
# Defining variables: Only create shipment variables x where conditions are met
x = m.addVars(
[(loc_a, loc_b, p) for loc_a in tqdm(locations) for loc_b in locations for p in products
if loc_a != loc_b and current_stock[loc_a, p] > demand[loc_a, p] and current_stock[loc_b, p] < demand[loc_b, p]],
vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="Ship"
unmet = m.addVars([(loc_b, p) for loc_b in tqdm(locations) for p in products],
vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="Unmet")
y = m.addVars([(loc_a, loc_b, p) for loc_a in tqdm(locations) for loc_b in locations for p in products if loc_a != loc_b],
vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="NoCrossShip")
# log_system_status("obj")
# Objective: Minimize the total unmet demand
# m.setObjective(quicksum(unmet[loc_b, p] for loc_b in tqdm(locations) for p in products), GRB.MINIMIZE)
for k, v in tqdm(x.items()):
x[k].VarHintVal = shipments.get(k,0)
x[k].VarHintPri = 10
for k, v in tqdm(y.items()):
if shipments.get(k,0) == 0:
y[k].VarHintVal = 0
y[k].VarHintPri = 5
y[k].VarHintVal = 1
y[k].VarHintPri = 5
log_system_status("stock & demand")
# Constraints to ensure shipments do not exceed stock available or demand
for loc_a in tqdm(locations):
for p in products:
if any((loc_a, loc_b, p) in x for loc_b in locations if loc_a != loc_b):
m.addConstr(quicksum(x[loc_a, loc_b, p] for loc_b in locations if loc_a != loc_b and (loc_a, loc_b, p) in x) <= current_stock[loc_a, p])
for loc_b in tqdm(locations):
for p in products:
if any((loc_a, loc_b, p) in x for loc_a in locations if loc_a != loc_b):
m.addConstr(quicksum(x[loc_a, loc_b, p] for loc_a in locations if loc_a != loc_b and (loc_a, loc_b, p) in x) <= demand[loc_b, p])
m.addConstr(unmet[loc_b, p] >= price[p]*(demand[loc_b, p]-current_stock[loc_b, p]- quicksum(x[loc_a, loc_b, p] for loc_a in locations if loc_a != loc_b and (loc_a, loc_b, p) in x)))
m.addConstr(unmet[loc_b, p] >=0 )
# Constraint to prevent shipment in both directions for the same product
for loc_a in tqdm(locations):
for loc_b in locations:
if loc_a != loc_b:
for p in products:
if (loc_a, loc_b, p) in y and (loc_b, loc_a, p) in y:
m.addConstr(y[loc_a, loc_b, p] + y[loc_b, loc_a, p] <= 1)
if (loc_a, loc_b, p) in x:
m.addConstr(x[loc_a, loc_b, p] <= y[loc_a, loc_b, p] * max(current_stock[loc_a, p], demand[loc_b, p]))
if (loc_b, loc_a, p) in x:
m.addConstr(x[loc_b, loc_a, p] <= y[loc_b, loc_a, p] * max(current_stock[loc_b, p], demand[loc_a, p]))
count_parcels = m.addVars(
vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="Ship"
total_value = m.addVars([(loc_a, loc_b) for loc_a in tqdm(locations) for loc_b in locations],
vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="toal_value")
shipment = m.addVars([(loc_a, loc_b) for loc_a in tqdm(locations) for loc_b in locations],
vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="shipment")
for loc_a in tqdm(locations):
for loc_b in locations:
if loc_a != loc_b:
m.addConstr(shipment[loc_a, loc_b] == max_(y[loc_a, loc_b, p] for p in products))
m.addConstr(shipment[loc_a, loc_b] == 0)
for loc_a in tqdm(locations):
m.addConstr(count_parcels[loc_a] == quicksum(shipment[loc_a, loc_b] for loc_b in locations ))
m.addConstr(count_parcels[loc_a] <= 50)
for loc_a in tqdm(locations):
for loc_b in locations:
if loc_a != loc_b:
m.addConstr(total_value[loc_a, loc_b] == quicksum(x.get((loc_a, loc_b, p),0)*price[p] for p in products))
m.addConstr(total_value[loc_a, loc_b] >= 250*shipment[loc_a, loc_b])
log_system_status("Vars and const defined")
# Objective: Minimize the total unmet demand
# m.setObjective(-unmet.sum(), GRB.MAXIMIZE)
# Objective: Minimize the total unmet demand
quicksum(x[src, dest, prod] for src in locations for dest in locations if src != dest for prod in products if (src, dest, prod) in x),
m._solution_count = 0
log_system_status("GRB is optimal")
shipment_plan = {k: v.X for k, v in x.items() if v.X > 0}
return shipment_plan, m
log_system_status("Optimization was not successful. Status code:"+str(m.status))
return {}
Hi Krzysztof,
it would be much easier to help you, if you could also include a mathematical formulation of your problem. Also, two examples of input data, for which you get satisfactory and unsatisfactory results would be helpful.
On the very high level, I would guess that the full problem you consider is by a few orders of magnitude larger than the problem for which you found a solution. It may be the case that you will need to turn to some more sophisticated modeling techniques to make your full problem solvable.
Hope this helps.
Best regards
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