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How bad are quadratic constraints?



1 comment

  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Florian, 

    Whether an MILP instance is easier to solve than an MIQP instance (quadratic objective with linear constraints) depends on several factors that are difficult to predict in advance. The best way to determine which formulation works better is to experiment with both. The consensus in the optimization community is that MILP instances are typically easier to solve than MIQP instances but there might be exceptions.

    Gurobi is highly capable of solving convex MIQP instances. If reformulating your problem as an MIQP reduces its size, this could result in a smaller and stronger presolved model. Therefore, if you are unsatisfied with the performance of your MILP formulation, we suggest considering a reformulation as an MIQP and testing it for comparison.

    Best regards,



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