Debugging Model
AnsweredThe model that have is fairly complex and it becomes infeasible when I add a constraint. However, logically that constraint should hold good. How can I debug it. It was suggested to use model.computeIIS(). However, I am not sure how to interpret it. Where can I find information about debugging techniques that i can use?
Hi Shesha,
These articles may help: How do I diagnose a wrong result?, Why does Gurobi report my model is infeasible when it has a feasible solution?.
The model.computeIIS() finds the set of the constraints that are the cause of infeasibility. That can be written as "ilp" file for debugging.
if model.Status == GRB.INFEASIBLE:
model.write("IIS.ilp")Debugging can be difficult when there is a large amount of data or when the model is complex. So I recommend to start with a small data set/simple model to identify factors that may lead infeasibility.
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