Get bounds from the computed IIS
AnsweredHi there,
I am trying to solve a nsp problem. For an infeasible model, I have computed the IIS. The logs show a constraint and two bounds (that I had manually set) that violate the constraint. Reading the docs on GRBcomputeIIS, I understand that removing a bound or a constraint will make the model feasible. The constraint has to stay, I'd like to know if I can get the variable bounds computed by the IIS in gurobipy and proceed to remove the bound.
\ Model NurseSchedulingModel_copy
\ LP format - for model browsing. Use MPS format to capture full model detail.
Maximize multi-objectives
OBJ0: Priority=0 Weight=1 AbsTol=1e-06 RelTol=0
Preferences: Priority=1 Weight=1 AbsTol=1e-06 RelTol=0
2 x[17,1,11] + 2 x[17,2,10]
Fairness: Priority=2 Weight=-1 AbsTol=1e-06 RelTol=0
Subject To
c_forbidden_consecutive_shift[17,2,10]: x[17,2,10] = 1 -> x[17,1,11] = 0
x[17,1,11] = 1
x[17,2,10] = 1
x[17,1,11] x[17,2,10]
Hi Matthias,
I appreciate the prompt response. IISLB and IISUB are the attributes I needed.
Thank you!0
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