Solving non-convex MINLP and Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored
AnsweredWhen I was solving a non-convex nonlinear (continuous) problem, it reports "Solving non-convex MINLP". The model is only with a non-convex nonlinear objective function and some box constraints on the variables. I do not have any Integer variable in my problem. Does that mean Gurobi 12 treats the non-convex nonlinear term by introducing new Integer variables?
Besides, I also get multiple lines of consecutive warnings before starting to solve the problem as below, what does that mean?
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 493440)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 493502)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 493982)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 494039)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 494391)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 494403)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 494756)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 494803)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 495148)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 495219)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 495779)
Warning: small or zero constant in general constraint NL "GC0" will be ignored (node 495791)
When I was solving a non-convex nonlinear (continuous) problem, it reports "Solving non-convex MINLP".
This is the default output then solving non-convex nonlinear problems. Gurobi does not introduce additional discrete variables.
Besides, I also get multiple lines of consecutive warnings before starting to solve the problem as below, what does that mean?
This means that in your nonlinear constraint, you have very small constants, i.e., constants with \(|c|< 10^{-13}\).
If there is anything else, then you could share your model such that we can have a closer look. Note that uploading files in the Community Forum is not possible but we discuss an alternative in Posting to the Community Forum.
Best regards,
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