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Unexpected gurobi returned code (137) error: out-of-memory. How to debug?



1 comment

  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Joshua,

    You might want to have a look at the Knowledge Base article How do I avoid an out-of-memory condition?

    In general, given the complexity of optimal power flow problems, you might want to consider increasing the requested MIPGap value. The default value is 0.01% which is very tight for problems of high complexity. When setting the MIPGap parameter value, you should think about how much of possible improvement could you allow for your model. Moreover, you should check whether for your test set it is more often the dual bound which takes a long time to converge or whether it is a good primal feasible solution that takes a long time to be found. My guess would be that MIPGap of ~1% should be good enough for a DCOPF model with integers.

    Best regards, 


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