Manage a big number of desicional variables in advance with Gurobi
My name is Adrián Díaz ana i am a Phd student in science engineering. Also, i am new in Gurobi. I am going to use gurobi to calculate a multi-objective network problem with continues and integer variables.The continues variables represent flows and integer binary variables represent retrofit decisional mitigations. The amount of continues variables are 27600 and binary variables are 3780. I know there are a big number of variables, and i know besides, i have to relax all the binary variables. ¿Could you help me to find out the memory requirements for my computer in Gurobi in advance? and ¿how to manage this amount of variables?. I made a little example to learn some basic functions and manage the variables, however, if i have to manage a big number of variables and restrictions, probably, i would have some problems with gurobi (and my laptop).
Best Adrián
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It is not really possible to predict how much memory the solver will need to solve your problem just from the number of variables. It also depends on the number of constraints and nonzeros in your matrix and in the end also on the behavior of the solver on the problem. The only way to find out, it to test it.
Best regards,
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