Sensitivity analysis of a linear constraint: confusing results
I have a model consisting of linear inequalities (maximising an objective), and for a particular constraint I am insterested in both the value of c.Pi and c.SARHSUp.
Initially, the RHS of the constraint is = 0. This yields:
c.Pi = 42.21 (shadow price/dual value)
c.SARHSUp = 0 (upper limit for changing the RHS such that current solution remains basic)
c.CBasic = -1
When I increase the RHS of this constraint by 1, however, the objective increases by 0.4248
c.Pi = 0.4248
c.SARHSUp = 6767.48
c.CBasic = -1
Increasing the RHS again by 1, does approximately improve the objective with the shadow price. In addition, sensitivity results remain the same, and the constraint remains non-basic.
My two questions:
Why does the model indicate that the constraint is not basic (while the inequality actually holds with equality in every case). However, after increasing the RHS to a number > 0, the sensitivity results look valid. This feels like a contradiction, why is it not?
It seems that the 'second' shadow price also holds approximately for the case when RHS = 0. Why does gurobi give me output that is in contrast with the results?
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Hi Bjorn,
I am not sure I understand your confusion about the basis status. A constraint that is tight, has a zero slack variable, and is hence non-basic.
Could you maybe share a (minimal) reproducible example showing what you mean?
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