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  • Sab created a post,

    IndexError: too many indices for array


    Hi! I am currently developing a model using matrices in python and I am keep getting the same error "IndexError: too many indices for array" my two variables are are vectors of 3, for example: [1, ...

  • Sab created a post,

    General constraints Output


    Hello,  I am verifying my model and my output states "The model has 10 general constraints". I am not sure what constraints is the model counting to get 10 since I wrote a total of 12 constraints o...

  • Sab commented,

    Thank you for you help! I tried using the same idea the following way:  from gurobipy import * I = ["1", "5", "4", "9", "6", "8", "2", "3", "7"] Z = [(i, j) for i in I for j in I if i < j]R = [(i, ...

  • Sab commented,

    Thank you for your answer! If I wanted to use min_() would it work this way?   for i in I: for ii in I: k = model.addConstr(E[i, ii] == min_(x[i], x[ii]), name="k")

  • Sab created a post,

    Objective function result


    Hi! I am currently working on optimizing the average coverage of different locations.  The sets are: Ict = [ "1","5","4"] #, "77003", "77063"] # Candidate  locationsIt = [ "9","6","8" ] #"77005","7...

  • Sab created a post,

    TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Var' and 'Var'


    I am trying to write a constraint for: E_im<= min {xi,...,xim} for example: E_12 <= min(x["1"], x["2"])  where  x is a binary variables and E is a 2d binary variable. The values come from a matrix ...