How to use Gurobi academic license with anaconda
回答済みHello everyone, I am trying to install gurobi to be used with anaconda, I follow the steps in the available documentation, but I am not successful.
I currently have a free academic license.
Could someone tell me another installation method.
You can install gurobipy (Gurobi's Python interface) by following the instructions in How do I install Gurobi for Python?
If you are still having issues with installation, please don't hesitate to contact the Gurobi team directly via the Gurobi Help Center.
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Hi Alison, thanks for your response, I have managed to install Gurobi in Ancaconda.
However, I cannot apply the license because I get the following error:
error: ERROR 202: Cannot get key code (KEY)
This happens to me with the WLS COMPUTE SERVER license.
I have tried with an ACADEMIC license for a computer and I have had no problems.
Could you help me with this problem.
Stay tuned to reply.
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Hi Joaquin,
I suspect this relates to the specific license you have. To troubleshoot this better, I have created a ticket from this post.
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For others with this similar issue, please see How do I resolve an "ERROR 202" when running grbgetkey?
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Hello everyone!
I have followed the steps and have managed to activate the license on various computers.
Thanks for the help provided.
Greetings and good week to all.