Nick Fryganiotis

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Nick Fryganiotisさんの最近のアクティビティ
  • Nick Fryganiotisさんが投稿を作成しました:

    Product of integer and binary linearization


    Hi, consider the product of a binary variable x, with an integer variable y. How to efficiently linearize this term? Also is it is better to linearize this term, or  gurobi solver can handle it? Th...

  • Nick Fryganiotisさんがコメントを作成しました:

    Hi Riley, thanks for the answer. In my source code m.update() is prior to m.getQConstrs(). - Nikos

  • Nick Fryganiotisさんが投稿を作成しました:

    MILP bilinear constraints


    I have a mixed integer linear program. My objective function involves the sumation of binary variables and quadratic terms of continuous variables. When i execute the model optimize function i get ...

  • Nick Fryganiotisさんが投稿を作成しました:

    Douple vtype for variable created by addVars


    Could i define 3-index variable using addVars where for the first index when it's value is less than 2 it will be a binary variable, otherwise it will be a continuous varible.

  • Nick Fryganiotisさんが投稿を作成しました:

    Integer division in integer programming


    In case of an integer programming problem, i would like to add in the objective function an integer division of a decision variable with a constant number. Is there any efficient way to implent thi...

  • Nick Fryganiotisさんがコメントを作成しました:

    Thanks for the comment. I have seen the article you mention. The problem is that in my own case, the variable $z_s(t)$ is upper and lower bounded. I am not quite sure if that means that i need two ...

  • Nick Fryganiotisさんが投稿を作成しました:

    Conditional stament in Gurobi


    Consider a binary variable \(x_s(t)\), and a continuous variable \(z_s(t) = t - t_s\), where \(t_s\) is a known constant. We define a conditional variable \(sr_s(t) = x_s(t)\) if \(0 \leq z_s(t) < ...