If you have purchased one or more Gurobi Compute Server licenses, you'll need to perform a few setup steps in order to start your Compute Server(s). Once the server is started, client machines will be able to offload the work of solving an optimization model onto these servers. The clients and the Compute Servers can run any mix of supported operating systems. Thus, for example, multiple Linux machines could submit jobs to a pair of Compute Servers, one running Windows and the other running Linux. Any machine that can reach the Compute Server(s) over your network can be a client (including the Compute Servers themselves).
There are a few steps involved in setting up Compute Server licenses. We explain these steps in detail in the next section.
Note: if you are setting up a machine as a client of an existing Compute Server, you only need to create a Compute Server client license.
Identifying the Compute Server and retrieving the license
- Identify the machine/VM or a container to act as a Compute Server (or a node in a Compute Server cluster). This is the machine where the license file will be installed.
- Go to the Gurobi User Portal -> Licenses and locate the Compute Server License you will retrieve (e.g., the row with the correct ID). If you are using a WLS Compute Server license, the CATEGORY column will show WLS. Else, it will show Regular. Note: If the Compute Server is running on a container (step 1 above), only a WLS Compute Server License will work.
- License Retrieval. Depending on the type of Compute Server License, its retrieval steps are different.
- For a Regular Compute Server License, please follow the instructions in How do I set up and use a Regular Compute Server License?.
- For a WLS Compute Server License, please follow the instructions in How do I set up a Web License Service (WLS) license?.
Your next steps
- Once you have retrieved and set up your license, you will need to Start Gurobi Remote Services.
- Finally, client machines will need a Compute Server client license to find and use the Compute Server(s).
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