Via the Windows GUI
To uninstall Gurobi, open the Start Menu and type "remove" to find the "Add and remove programs" section. There you will find all installed Gurobi versions, and you can select which to uninstall.
Via the command-line
To uninstall Gurobi using the command-line, please run the following (making appropriate changes per your version of Gurobi):
msiexec /x Gurobi-11.0.3-win64.msi
Note: You need the .msi file for the respective Gurobi version to run the command line operation. You can download this installer from Software Downloads on the Gurobi website.
You can also just delete the installation directory (usually C:\gurobi1103
) to remove Gurobi from your machine. There will still be traces in the environment variables that can be cleaned up as well but leaving them in is also not expected to cause any issues. The Start Menu shortcuts to Gurobi can be deleted as well.
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