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Extract info from Gurobi binary variables during run-time




  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Chenguang,

    These sound like modeling questions. It's common to use binary variables to ensure that certain logical conditions are satisfied.

    For (1), consider a fixed time i and operation v. Assuming y is a nonnegative "volume" variable, we can model this as follows:

    \( y_{iv} \geq 100 ( Z_{iv} - \sum_{j > i} Z_{jv} ) \)

    If Z(i,v) = 0 or operation v is performed again at a time later than i, the constraint is redundant due to the nonnegativity of y. However, if Z(i,v) = 1 and is the last such i, this constraint becomes y(i, v) >= 100, as desired.

    Perhaps you can do something similar for (2)? It's tough to say without additional information about the penalty. I imagine that this is possible to do by introducing additional "indicator" binary variables that are equal to 1 if a penalty should be incurred, and 0 otherwise. This is done by modeling a logical constraint, not unlike what we did for (1). Then, these variables are incorporated into the objective function.

    I hope this helps!


  • Chenguang Zhang
    First Comment
    First Question

    Hi Eli,

    Thanks for your brilliant solution! I also have another quick question to ask, or more precisely, a confirmation to make.

    Like I said, we have an $Z_{iv}$ binary array. Is there a way to quickly identify those i-index where $Z_{iv}=1$, so I can use those i-index somewhere else (in constraint, penalty, for example)? Is this a model formulation issue, or it is directly support by some Gurobi syntax?

    I ask this because Gurobi has syntax sugar to support certain things (for example, absolute value).

  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Chenguang,

    This is more of a model formulation question. The idea is to exploit the fact that Z_{iv} is binary in order to enforce logical conditions. For example, if we want to add a penalty of 10 to our objective if Z_{iv} = 1, we can simply add the term 10 Z_{iv} to the objective function.

    If we want to enforce a constraint if Z_{iv} = 1, this is possible as well, but the exact approach depends on the particular constraint you want to add. Fortunately, Gurobi provides a shortcut method for doing this. For example, in our Python API, you can do something like this:

    model.addConstr((Z[i,v] == 1) >> (x + y <= 1.5))

    In this case, if Z_{iv} = 1, then the constraint x + y <= 1.5 must hold. See the documentation for the Model.addGenConstrIndicator() method for more information.

    I hope this helps. Thanks!



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