Warnings and incorrect results with latest version in MATLAB
I am new to gurobi, cvx and matlab. I installed gurobi and added it to matlab, then added academic license for gurobi. Then I proceeded to install cvx and get academic license for that as well so I can use it with gurobi. However during cvx installation, I get the following warnings:
Setting CVX paths…already set!
Searching for solvers…Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘isvname’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_setup (line 83)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘appname’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_setup (line 83)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘isv_key’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_setup (line 83)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘isvname’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_setup (line 83)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘appname’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_setup (line 83)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘isv_key’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_setup (line 83)
5 shims found.
6 solvers initialized (* = default):
Gurobi 7.52 {cvx}\gurobi\w64
Gurobi_2 8.11 C:\gurobi811\win64\matlab
- Gurobi_3 8.11 C:\gurobi811\win64\matlab
Mosek {cvx}\mosek\w64
SDPT3 4.0 {cvx}\sdpt3
SeDuMi 1.34 {cvx}\sedumi
1 solver skipped:
Could not find a GLPK installation.
Saving updated preferences…done.
Testing with a simple model…Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘isvname’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_run_solver (line 50)
In cvx_gurobi
In cvxprob/solve (line 429)
In cvx_end (line 88)
In cvx_setup (line 213)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘appname’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_run_solver (line 50)
In cvx_gurobi
In cvxprob/solve (line 429)
In cvx_end (line 88)
In cvx_setup (line 213)
Warning: Unknown parameter: ‘isv_key’
In cvx_gurobi
In cvx_run_solver (line 50)
In cvx_gurobi
In cvxprob/solve (line 429)
In cvx_end (line 88)
In cvx_setup (line 213)
When using gurobi_2 and gurobi_3, I cannot solve any problems, the optimal value is always 0 and it tells me status is solved and optimal value is reached, but gurobi (7.5) solves them without any warnings or errors and gives a reasonable solution.
Please let me know if I can fix this because I want to take advantage of latest gurobi version.
Thank you in advance.
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