password mismatch error
AnsweredI'm trying to run the command line tuning, but I'm facing the strange "password mismatch error".
Using license file /opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic
parameter TokenServer to value **MACHINE IP**
Set parameter LogFile to value grbtune.log
ERROR 10009: Request denied: password mismatch
Any ideas of what could this be?
It looks like a password is specified in the Gurobi license file used by the token server (see here). To use a password-protected token server, you should specify the same password in your local client license file. To do this, obtain the password from the individual managing the token server, then add a line to your client license file of the following form:
More information about token server client license files can be found here.
I hope this helps. Thanks!
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Hi, Eli!
I don't think that's the case.We are indeed using the password, but I have no problems acessing gurobi via the gurobi command, or thru python script. The issue only emerges when I call grbtune in the command line.
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I could reproduce the issue. We will reach out to you via our support portal.
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Thanks, Silke!
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Hi Edgar,
Thanks for reporting this. This issue is fixed in Gurobi 9.0.1, which was released a few days ago.
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Great! Thanks guys!
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