Creating binary variables
I am quite new to Gurobi and currently I am facing some issues regarding a binary variable, probably the answer to this question might be obvious but I've circled with the idea for a bit now.
I have a set of reactions an I want to add a constraint like the following
Vi >= LB*(1-Yi)
where Yi is the binary variable, 1 if the reaction i is removed and 0 otherwise
Can this be done my simply stating with
model.AddVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY) ?
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Hi Jose,
Yes, setting the vtype argument of Model.addVar() to GRB.BINARY will make sure the newly created variable is binary. In Python, the full construction of a single constraint of this form would look like:
import gurobipy as gp
m = gp.Model()
y = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name="y")
v = m.addVar(name="v")
LB = 5
m.addConstr(v >= LB*(1 - y))I hope this helps. Thanks!
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Hello, thanks for your help, I tried with the following syntax but I get this error, just for clarification reactions is a list and lb_reaction is a directory of reaction and its lower bound
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-58-a7b59fc1a1ac> in <module> 12 13 ---> 14 m.addConstrs(v[j]>=LB[i]*(1-y[j]) for j in reactions for i in lb_reaction) 15 16 m.addConstrs(v[j]<=UB[i]*(1-y[j]) for j in reactions for i in ub_reaction) model.pxi in gurobipy.Model.addConstrs() <ipython-input-58-a7b59fc1a1ac> in <genexpr>(.0) 12 13 ---> 14 m.addConstrs(v[j]>=LB[i]*(1-y[j]) for j in reactions for i in lb_reaction) 15 16 m.addConstrs(v[j]<=UB[i]*(1-y[j]) for j in reactions for i in ub_reaction) KeyError: 'ACALD'0 -
Hi Jose,
This error means that the key 'ACALD' was not defined for one of the variables or parameters used in that constraint family. Specifically, v['ACALD'], LB['ACALD'], or y['ACALD'] does not exist. Could you include the code that shows how you define the "reactions" and "lb_reaction" structures, as well as where you add the \( v \) and \( y \) variables to the model?
Also, I'm not entirely sure this constraint is correct. It seems like the keys for the lb_reaction dictionary should precisely correspond to the list of reactions, and only one of these constraints should be added for each reaction. I.e., the constraint should instead be:
$$\begin{align*} v_j &\geq LB_j (1 - y_j) \qquad \forall j \in N,\end{align*}$$
where \( N \) is the set of reactions. Right now, you are adding \( |N|^2 \) of these constraints rather than \( |N| \), and most of them are redundant.
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Hello Elli,
Thanks so much for your help, this is the code to get all the list and dictionaries for the model,
metabolites = df_metabolites[' abbreviation '].tolist() #the list of metabolites for the variables
reactions = df_reactions['abbreviation'].tolist() #The list of reactions for the variables
UB = df_UB[0].tolist() #The list of the Upper Bounds
LB = df_LB[0].tolist() #The list of the Lower Bounds
matrixlist = []
for n in range (95): # The Smatrix converted to a list
reaction = df_smatrix[n].tolist()
reac_met = list(itertools.product(reactions,metabolites))
sreact_met = dict(zip(reac_met,matrixlist))
a = list()
for ele in sreact_met.keys():
a.append((ele[1], ele[0]))
smatr = dict(zip(a,matrixlist)) # dictionary (metabolite,reaction:coefficient)
lb_reaction = dict(zip(reactions,LB)) #This is the pair (reaction:bound)
ub_reaction = dict(zip(reactions,UB))
y = m.addVars(reactions, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='y')
v = m.addVars(metabolites, name='v')
s = m.addVars(smatr, name='s')0 -
Hi Jose,
I wonder if this error is caused by these two lines:
v = m.addVars(metabolites, name='v')
m.addConstrs(v[j]>=LB[i]*(1-y[j]) for j in reactions for i in lb_reaction)The \( v \) variables are defined over the set of metabolites. However, In the constraints, \( v \) is indexed by the set of reactions. So I think this is a matter of making sure the indices on the variables match the indices in the constraints, though I am not familiar enough with your application to know what needs to be changed.
I hope this helps!
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Thank you so much for taking the time to answer, it sure helped me a lot, it turned out to be a matter of indexing
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