Presolve stopps giving feedback
AnsweredI have an Integer Model that I want to solve, and for a while I thought Gurobi is stuck in Presolve, because the feedback (coming around every 5 sec) stopped. I experimented, deactivating the presolve worked for me (and was quite fast, but there is a post about that).
However, I realized that the CPU and RAM are still used by Gurobi, so I decided to let the PC work for a long time, and Gurobi came to a solution.
It would be nice, if Gurobi would continue giving regular feedback (it started with ~5 sec interval).
Here is the full log output:
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.0.0 build v9.0.0rc2 (win64)
Optimize a model with 2651761 rows, 1643280 columns and 10124064 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0xd9894306
Variable types: 0 continuous, 1643280 integer (1643280 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [1e+00, 1e+04]
Objective range [2e-03, 9e-02]
Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00]
RHS range [1e+00, 1e+04]
Found heuristic solution: objective 0.1018125
Presolve removed 540005 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 6s) ...
Presolve removed 543845 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 10s) ...
Presolve removed 543845 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 15s) ...
Presolve removed 543845 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 20s) ...
Presolve removed 543845 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 25s) ...
Presolve removed 543845 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 30s) ...
Presolve removed 543845 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 35s) ...
Presolve removed 551525 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 41s) ...
Presolve removed 551525 rows and 12152 columns (presolve time = 48s) ...
Presolve removed 551525 rows and 237082 columns (presolve time = 6461s) ...
Presolve removed 841334 rows and 237155 columns (presolve time = 6465s) ...
Presolve removed 841336 rows and 237157 columns (presolve time = 6471s) ...
Presolve removed 841336 rows and 237157 columns
Presolve time: 6471.28s
Presolved: 1810425 rows, 1406123 columns, 8172761 nonzeros
Variable types: 0 continuous, 1406123 integer (1406123 binary)
Deterministic concurrent LP optimizer: primal simplex, dual simplex, and barrier
Showing barrier log only...
Root barrier log...
Ordering time: 1.39s
Barrier performed 0 iterations in 6492.51 seconds
Barrier solve interrupted - model solved by another algorithm
Concurrent spin time: 1.75s
Solved with dual simplex
Root relaxation: objective 0.000000e+00, 15 iterations, 19.12 seconds
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
* 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.00000 0.00% - 6492s
Explored 0 nodes (15 simplex iterations) in 6493.54 seconds
Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)
Solution count 2: 0 0.101812
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 0.000000000000e+00, best bound 0.000000000000e+00, gap 0.0000%"
Official comment
This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?. -
Hi Dániel,
Apologies for the (very) late reply!
Is this problem still occurring with the latest version? You could send us the model file so we can have a look to find out what is taking so much time without reporting about the progress.
Most likely, a very expensive presolving routine is responsible for this. Since your model is not *too* large, such a long pause in the log is not expected, though.
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