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Error on my lazy cuts




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    Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff
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  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Jose,

    You probably get this message from your quicksum() terms:


    The argument provided to quicksum() should be iterable (like a list), not a single value like \( \texttt{1 - valsy[i]} \). Should this just be the term \( \texttt{1 - valsy[i]} \)? If so, you don't need to use the quicksum() function.




  • Jose Vindel
    Thought Leader

    Thank you Eli, 


    I want to iterate using the values from the dictionaries 

    valsy[i] and vals[i]

    to add this cut

    \[pi\leq\ v_b + M*\sum (1-y_i)*v_i - M* \sum(1-y_i)*v_i\]

    I assumed it could iterate from there, to add a cut for every \(v_i\), I will try to add them without the summation and also I will check my formulation, thanks again  


  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Jose,

    Based on that inequality, it seems like you want a single lazy constraint that does sum over all of the \( i \) indices inside of a quicksum() function. Basically, you would just move your outer \( \texttt{for} \) loop to be inside each quicksum() function. Right now, you are adding 95 separate lazy constraints.  

    However, this inequality is confusing to me, since \( M \sum_i ( 1 - y_i ) v_i - M \sum_i ( 1 - y_i ) v_i \) is equal to \( 0 \), leaving you with the inequality \( \pi \leq v_b \). Are you sure this inequality is correct?



  • Jose Vindel
    Thought Leader

    Hello Eli, 

    After checking my inequality, it is in part incorrect the first term \(M*\sum (1-y_i)*v_i\) only applies when the values of \(v_i\) are positive and the second term,\(- M* \sum(1-y_i)*v_i\),  when the values are negative, could it be possible to construct the cut using something like this?

    keys = model._vars.keys()
    vals = model.cbGetSolution(model._vars)
    vars = model._vars
    varsy = model._varsy
    if abs(vbi - vbm) >= .00001:

    for i in keys:
    if vals[i] >= 0:
    c += (1-varsy[i])*vals[i]
    elif vals[i] < 0:
    c -= (1-varsy[i])*alvs[i]

    model.cbLazy(vbi <= vars[12] + c)

    I will try to add it like that,  and also I was wondering if inside the list comprehension you could have both terms 'if' and 'else' I know you can have 'if' like in the tsp example but, so far I haven't seen that use,  

  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Jose,

    Yes, something like this should work. But note that \( M \sum_{i : v_i > 0} (1 - y_i) v_i - M \sum_{i : v_i < 0} (1 - y_i) v_i \) is equivalent to \( M \sum_{i} (1 - y_i) |v_i| \). So you should be able to use \( \texttt{abs(vals[i])} \) inside of a single \( \texttt{quicksum()} \) function to accomplish the same thing.

    And yes, you can use \( \texttt{if} \) and \( \texttt{else} \) together in a list comprehension. Here is an example:

    >>> ['odd' if i % 2 else 'even' for i in range(10)]
    ['even', 'odd', 'even', 'odd', 'even', 'odd', 'even', 'odd', 'even', 'odd']


  • Jose Vindel
    Thought Leader

    Thanks Eli,


    I tried it and it worked out, with some minor corrections on the code, now I have to figure it out to do it in a more pythonic way, and how to incorporate the absvals in the quicksum, thanks a lot!!

    Using the quicksum function the resulting cut is

    model.cbLazy(vbi <= vars[12] + 2000*(gp.quicksum((1-varsy[i])*abs(vals[i]) for i in keys))


  • Jose Vindel
    Thought Leader


    I am trying to add another lazy cut, but this time it has the following structure:

    \(v_{of interest} > value + M * (y_i + y_j)\) 

    It will be done based on a combination of the variables \(y\), suppose I have the following vectors:

    \(v = [10,0,0,0,40,50]\) , \(y = [1,0,0,1,1,1]\), so, lazy constraints would be defined as:

    \(v_1 > (some value) + M*(y_1 + y_2)\)

    \(v_1 > (some value) + M*(y_1 + y_3)\)

    \(v_1 > (some value) + M*(y_2 + y_3)\)

    So I coded like this:

    from itertools import combinations
    #rxn is a list with the name of my variables
    v_o = [i for i in range(len(rxn)) if model._voj[i] == 0]

    comb_v = list(combinations(v_o,2))

    model.cbLazy(model._vars[chemical] > model._vij[chemical] +
    (2000*(model._varsy[i]+model._varsy[j]) for (i,j) in comb_v))

    But, I get this error:

    I'd appreciate your help

  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    The expression below is a Python generator expression:

    (2000*(model._varsy[i]+model._varsy[j]) for (i,j) in comb_v)

    As the error indicates, adding together a generator expression and a number (\(\texttt{model._vij[chemical]}\)) isn't supported in Python. You can add multiple lazy constraints with a \( \texttt{for} \) loop:

    for i, j in comb_v:
    model.cbLazy(model._vars[chemical] >= model._vij[chemical] +
    2000*(model._varsy[i] + model._varsy[j]))

    Note that mathematical solvers like Gurobi do not support strict inequality constraints.

  • Jose Vindel
    Thought Leader



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