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Add variables using multiple values from dictionary




  • Official comment
    Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff
    This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?.
  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff


    If I understand correctly, you want one variable for each element of \( \texttt{order} \)? If so, you can create an intermediate data structure that contains every \( \texttt{order, departure, arrival} \) tuple:

    indices = list(zip(order, departure.values(), arrival.values()))
    x = m.addVars(indices, obj=amount.values(), name="x")

    However, since the \( \texttt{order} \) keys should be unique and you can intuit the \( \texttt{departure} \) and \( \texttt{arrival} \) values from these keys, you can probably make your model work just by indexing these variables with the \( \texttt{order} \) tuplelist:

    x = m.addVars(order, obj=amount.values(), name="x")

    If I misunderstood your question, please post a small example that shows what you are trying to achieve.



  • MAU15
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    Thanks for your reply! Yes I would like a variable for each \(\texttt{order}\), but with three indexes corresponding to the order, departure and arrival values.

    Hopefully this example clarifies my intention:

    exampledata = np.array([[1,1,3,1],
    #in variables: [k,i,j,d]

    order,departure,arrival,amount=gp.multidict({row[0]:row[1:].tolist() for row in exampledata})

    Wile the first value of each element, \(\texttt{k}\) is unique, I do need the information for \(\texttt{i,j}\) in the decision variables so from that I would like to generate the decision variables:

    x[k,i,j]: x[1,1,3], x[2,3,2], x[3,2,1], x[4,1,3]

    Your suggestion for an intermediate list \(\texttt{indices}\) provides for that. Although my main question was if this would be possible with only the dictionary keys and without the need for an intermediate list? 


    Unfortunately the \(\texttt{obj=custdemand.values()}\) does not seem to take the correct values. For each \(\texttt{k,i,j}\) combination, it should take the corresponding \(\texttt{d }\) so:

    x[1,1,3]->1, x[2,3,2]->2, x[3,2,1]->4, x[4,1,3]->1

    I know I can make an additional dictionary with \(\texttt{k,i,j}\) as key and \(\texttt{d }\) as value, but if there is a way to use my existing formulations that would be great to know! 

  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff


    There isn't a way to do this without manipulating the existing data. Ultimately, you need to pass Gurobi a list of tuples that represent the sparse variable indices, but the data isn't currently structured this way.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say the \( \texttt{obj=custdemand.values()} \) are not taking the correct values (do you mean \( \texttt{amount.values()} \)?). When Gurobi sets the objective terms for the newly created variables, each element of in the \( \texttt{indices} \) list will be matched with the corresponding element of the \( \texttt{amount.values()} \) list. For example, this code:

    import numpy as np
    import gurobipy as gp

    exampledata = np.array([[1,1,3,1],
    [2,3,2,2], [3,2,1,4], [4,1,3,1]])

    order, departure, arrival, amount = gp.multidict({row[0]: row[1:].tolist() for row in exampledata})
    indices = list(zip(order, departure.values(), arrival.values()))

    m = gp.Model()
    x = m.addVars(indices, obj=amount.values(), name="x")

    produces the following objective:

    x[1,1,3] + 2 x[2,3,2] + 4 x[3,2,1] + x[4,1,3]

    This seems to be what you want, and it avoids the need to create a dictionary to map each \( \texttt{(k, i, j)} \) tuple to \( \texttt{d} \).



  • MAU15
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    First Question

    Thanks again! I got it to work. Unbeknownst to me, when I used the SetObjective command to maximize the objective function, the coefficients were reset to zero's. That's solved now. 


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