python segmentation fault
I'm running on macbook pro 13" 2020, python 3.7.8, cvxpy 1.1.4, gurobi 9.0.3 the following problem:
N, aas = O.shape
P = len(P_sizes)
S = cp.Variable(N, boolean=True)
# A = cp.Variable(aas, boolean=True)
chi = cp.Variable(N, boolean=True)
# Op = cp.Parameter(O.shape, boolean=True)
# Op.value = O
constrains = []
A = S @ O
# for i in range(N):
# exp = A @ Op[i] - P + (1+P)*(1-chi[i])
# constrains.append(exp >= 0)
# constrains.append(exp <= P)
exp = O @ A.T - P + (1+P)*(1-chi)
constrains.append(exp >= 0)
constrains.append(exp <= P)
exp = 2 * S - chi
constrains.append(exp >= 0)
constrains.append(exp <= 1)
lib_sizes = []
ind_lib_sizes = {}
ind_constrains = []
log_ind_constrains = []
pointer = 0
for i in range(P):
s = cp.sum(A[pointer:pointer + P_sizes[i]])
ind_lib_sizes[i] = [cp.Variable(boolean=True) for j in range(P_sizes[i])]
exp = cp.sum([ind_lib_sizes[i][j] * (j+1) for j in range(P_sizes[i])]) == s
log_ind_constrains.extend([ind_lib_sizes[i][j] * np.log(j) for j in range(1, P_sizes[i])])
pointer += P_sizes[i]
constrains.append(cp.sum(log_ind_constrains) <= cp.log(limit))
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(c.T @ S), constrains)
Where O is a numpy boolean matrix.
I'm not sure why trying to run
prob.solve(solver=cp.GUROBI, verbose=True)
causes segmentation fault.
Thank you
Official comment
Hi Shlomo,
Could you please also share the error message about the segmentation fault? Do you have a (minimal) reproducible example code that you can share so we can inspect this error?
Thanks for reporting,
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