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Saved Log File of a MIP model: Read, Recall, Analyze




  • Official comment
    Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff
    This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?.
  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Dear Sabreen,

    It is currently not possible to obtain information about the optimization variable values at the found solutions from the log file. You could use the SolFiles parameter to make Gurobi write all found solutions to disc. Unfortunately, this means that you will have to re-run the optimization.

    You can find the log showing the 4 feasible solutions at

    *811968 197361 92 47.0000000 23.00824 51.0% 145 1871s
    *813057 186554 79 46.0000000 23.00824 50.0% 145 1873s
    H838697 185248 44.0000000 23.01700 47.7% 144 1998s
    *2557952 670538 68 43.0000000 32.00000 25.6% 87.1 5090s

    Best regards,



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