Numerical Issues When Adding Var Bounds
AnsweredHey everyone,
I am currently solving a variety of similar QPs. For some of those QP I run into numerical troubles, when adding upper and lower bounds on the variables, which I can not explain.
Here are two examples, the first working without problems, the second runs into problems. The only difference between the two is the addition of a linear term to the objective function (+ 0.5 * z_146) and the addition of a lower bound (0.5 <= z_146).
Example *.lp and log in comments!
Does anyone have a clue what is going on? SOlving both examples without the 0.5 bounds is possible without problems.
Official comment
This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?. -
Example 1:
Log:Gurobi Optimizer version 9.0.2 build v9.0.2rc0 (linux64)
Optimize a model with 500 rows, 250 columns and 29984 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x5d3ac412
Model has 14992 quadratic objective terms
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [2e-10, 1e+02]
Objective range [2e+00, 4e+03]
QObjective range [4e-10, 1e+02]
Bounds range [5e-01, 1e+00]
RHS range [4e+00, 8e+03]
Warning: Model contains large quadratic objective coefficient range
Presolve removed 258 rows and 8 columns
Presolve time: 0.01s
Presolved: 242 rows, 242 columns, 29726 nonzeros
Presolved model has 14984 quadratic objective terms
Extra 182 simplex iterations after uncrush
836 3.4238577e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1s
Solved in 836 iterations and 1.08 seconds
Optimal objective 3.423857678e+02
Example 2:QP:
Log:Gurobi Optimizer version 9.0.2 build v9.0.2rc0 (linux64)
Optimize a model with 500 rows, 250 columns and 29984 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0xf78bebb8
Model has 14992 quadratic objective terms
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [2e-10, 1e+02]
Objective range [2e+00, 4e+03]
QObjective range [4e-10, 1e+02]
Bounds range [5e-01, 1e+00]
RHS range. [4e+00, 8e+03]
Warning: Model contains large quadratic objective coefficient range
Presolve removed 258 rows and 8 columns
Presolve time: 0.01s
Presolved: 242 rows, 242 columns, 29726 nonzeros
Presolved model has 14984 quadratic objective terms
Warning: 1 variables dropped from basis
Warning: 1 variables dropped from basis
2886 3.6225607e+10 0.000000e+00 2.441409e+11 5s
Warning: 1 variables dropped from basis
Warning: 1 variables dropped from basis
Stopped in 3184 iterations and 5.84 seconds
Numeric error0 -
Hi Lukas,
This seemingly unexpected behavior is most likely due to the fact that the coefficient ranges in your Matrix and QObjectiveMatrix reach from 1e-10 to 1e2. This is already bad for linear problems, for quadratic problems, this is even worse! With these numerics, even a seemingly small change to the model may already affect the solution process and end up in a numerical disaster due to, e.g., a different simplex basis or not recognizing whether a Matrix is PSD.
The good news is that the latest Gurobi version 9.1 solves both problems seemingly without numerical issues. Thus, if possible I would recommend to upgrade to the latest version. This does not mean that you should not have a closer look at your coefficients and try to improve the ranges of those. You could start by having a look at our Guidelines for Numerical Issues.
My colleague Ed Klotz has published a great article on numerical issues in MIPs which may be applicable for QPs in your case. It is definitely worth a read when tackling numerically unstable problems!Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
Thank you for the fast reply, Jaromil!
Updating Gurobi is a good idea. Curiously, the version was not the problem, but a parameter change I forgot about was the issue.
While we are at it, do you maybe know what is going on here? I added a SOC-constraint and the solver is not able to handle it.
Log:Gurobi Optimizer version 9.1.0 build v9.1.0rc0 (linux64)
Thread count: 4 physical cores, 8 logical processors, using up to 8 threads
Optimize a model with 100 rows, 50 columns and 2398 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x0905a5e0
Model has 1199 quadratic objective terms
Model has 2 quadratic constraints
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [1e-07, 9e+01]
QMatrix range [2e-07, 9e+01]
QLMatrix range [3e+01, 1e+04]
Objective range [9e+00, 4e+03]
QObjective range [2e-07, 9e+01]
Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00]
RHS range [2e+01, 8e+03]
QRHS range [3e+06, 3e+06]
Warning: Only barrier available for SOCP models
Presolve removed 50 rows and 0 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 205 rows, 206 columns, 6245 nonzeros
Presolved model has 3 second-order cone constraints
Ordering time: 0.00s
Barrier statistics:
AA' NZ : 2.043e+04
Factor NZ : 2.066e+04
Factor Ops : 2.776e+06 (less than 1 second per iteration)
Threads : 1
Objective Residual
Iter Primal Dual Primal Dual Compl Time
0 -6.85525667e+06 -1.05152215e+06 1.69e+05 7.90e+00 4.24e+04 0s
1 -3.20318642e+06 -1.63051940e+05 6.25e+04 1.02e+00 1.44e+04 0s
2 -2.61533425e+06 7.52860752e+05 3.88e+04 7.97e-01 8.65e+03 0s
3 -2.86156260e+06 -1.10784854e+05 2.30e+04 6.79e-01 7.18e+03 0s
4 -4.24464126e+06 -5.44285193e+05 1.89e+04 6.94e-01 1.92e+04 0s
5 -6.90971920e+06 2.06445893e+06 4.81e+04 1.92e+00 2.86e+05 0s
6* -7.52224821e+06 1.03513278e+07 6.34e+02 3.33e-01 2.40e+02 0s
7* -1.12587815e+07 2.47776606e+07 8.08e+01 6.82e-01 5.60e+02 0s
8 -5.51629142e+06 -3.26365808e+06 3.82e+02 1.56e+00 4.33e+05 0s
9 -2.31581301e+06 -3.17638325e+06 7.13e+01 3.44e-01 7.48e+04 0s
10 -1.24065079e+06 -1.12313817e+06 2.74e+01 4.69e-02 1.46e+04 0s
11 -9.52671555e+05 -6.61299534e+05 1.37e+01 6.67e-03 5.05e+03 0s
12 -5.87700755e+05 -3.07327385e+05 5.62e+00 9.35e-03 2.11e+03 0s
13 -2.33660288e+05 -1.26701861e+05 1.63e+00 1.12e-02 6.57e+02 0s
14 -8.24381814e+04 -6.20613262e+04 7.24e-01 1.27e-02 4.33e+02 0s
15 8.85244294e+03 -2.68259479e+04 1.31e-03 1.58e-03 1.36e+02 0s
16 1.33992876e+03 -1.01253835e+03 1.66e-03 2.52e-02 8.98e+00 0s
17 3.54067267e+02 -1.82575693e+02 4.98e-04 8.97e-01 2.06e+00 0s
18 5.76567158e+01 -3.22885387e+01 2.36e-04 1.10e+00 3.48e-01 0s
19 -5.91894041e+00 -4.02077453e+00 3.58e-04 7.95e+00 4.84e-02 0s
20 -8.83861539e-01 -3.87557768e-01 1.59e-04 4.58e+01 4.31e-03 0s
21 -3.44625780e-01 -9.66819855e-02 1.42e-04 1.04e+03 1.35e-03 0s
22 -6.45580172e-02 -2.39000210e-01 3.26e-04 3.50e+05 1.11e-03 0s
23 9.87041308e-04 -5.64814303e-03 1.35e-04 7.49e+02 1.34e-04 0s
24 -7.01948296e-04 -1.21719013e-03 2.35e-02 2.51e+02 4.23e-06 0s
25 4.54459362e-04 1.24015243e-03 1.32e-02 1.35e+03 7.92e-06 0s
26 -2.26349979e-03 -3.65999858e-03 3.30e-02 3.19e+02 3.90e-05 0s
27 1.37899826e-03 -6.02722059e-04 2.25e-02 5.76e+02 3.12e-05 0s
28 1.39850370e-03 -8.45377432e-03 7.70e-03 3.95e+01 5.00e-05 0s
29 -9.53687056e-04 -9.89684610e-04 1.21e-04 3.37e+02 2.68e-06 0s
30 -1.79051772e-03 -1.88022223e-03 4.21e-03 6.71e+03 3.78e-06 0s
31 -5.54073031e-04 -7.37661403e-04 2.28e-03 1.39e+04 2.92e-06 0s
32 -5.72125035e-03 -7.29370961e-03 5.62e-02 5.51e+04 1.93e-04 0s
33 -5.46900397e-03 -7.16283996e-03 5.52e-02 5.46e+04 1.90e-04 0s
34 -1.67637837e-02 -6.78080766e-03 3.26e-02 5.29e+04 1.77e-04 0s
35 -9.25178067e-03 -5.64651480e-03 1.80e-02 2.87e+04 9.84e-05 0s
36 -5.04236257e-03 -4.20947968e-03 9.92e-03 1.55e+04 5.87e-05 0s
37 -2.17998038e-02 -2.83169116e-02 2.05e-02 1.70e+04 1.54e-04 0s
38 7.05297644e-04 6.91245510e-04 6.30e-03 5.65e+02 8.42e-06 0s
39 -1.74039299e-03 -1.76833921e-03 3.09e-03 1.32e+03 1.62e-05 0s
40 5.54296439e-05 7.17855815e-05 9.62e-04 7.39e+02 5.21e-06 0s
41 1.41468729e-04 1.47618321e-04 4.49e-03 8.75e+02 4.22e-06 0s
42 1.95693879e-03 1.23293950e-04 2.26e-02 5.87e+02 1.08e-05 0s
43 -6.57219048e-05 -1.28814578e-03 1.36e-02 2.23e+03 9.00e-06 0s
44 -1.21648179e-02 -4.96538127e-03 3.61e-02 3.35e+03 4.43e-05 0s
45 -1.21406966e-02 -4.96094904e-03 3.61e-02 3.36e+03 4.43e-05 0s
46 -8.89818017e-03 -4.94708065e-03 1.37e-01 3.16e+03 4.32e-05 0s
47 -1.92954924e-02 -5.69246072e-03 7.54e-02 4.09e+03 6.62e-05 0s
48 -1.75032879e-02 -6.06323714e-03 6.18e-02 3.39e+03 5.78e-05 0s
49 -9.07262897e-03 -7.81815511e-03 3.43e-02 6.18e+03 7.04e-05 0s
50 1.71321469e-03 1.63499380e-03 2.92e-03 4.14e+03 5.00e-07 0s
51 -1.20900201e-03 -5.97027729e-05 3.84e-03 1.27e+05 1.34e-07 0s
52 -1.48014752e-03 1.57123536e-05 2.97e-03 6.13e+04 5.83e-08 0s
53 3.43167035e-01 1.47720665e-05 1.41e-03 9.30e+05 4.40e-05 0s
Barrier performed 53 iterations in 0.07 seconds
Numerical trouble encountered0 -
HI Lukas,
Sorry for not getting back to you in the past days. It is possible that the underlying constraint matrix is almost singular resulting in numerical trouble. You could try setting the BarHomogeneous parameter to 1 or increasing the NumericFocus parameter in order to possibly overcome the numerical issues. The Jacobian of the quadratic variables is almost fully dense. You could try reformulating terms such as \(\sum_j z_i \cdot z_j\) as \(z_i \cdot w_i\) with the additional constraint \(w_i = \sum_j z_j\) to improve the numerics.
The range of your QMatrix [2e-07, 9e+01] is still considered large, regarding the fact that you are solving a quadratic problem. You should try to reduce the range of the matrix if possible.
Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
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