I use the python version.
There are some problems when I use gurobi to sovle protfolio optimization. My purpose is to choose 100 tickers from a stock pool which has about 3000 tickers to form a best portfolio. The objective is to MAXIMIZE the return of portfolio considering some exposure constraint.
Below is my code:
model = Model('portOpt')
stkwt = pd.Series(model.addVars(tickers), index = tickers)
stksel = pd.Series(model.addVars(tickers, vtype = GRB.BINARY), index = tickers) #
selwt = stkwt * stksel
forecast = sig
port_ret = #forecast return of portfolio
risk_ret = port_ret
model.setObjective(risk_ret, GRB.MAXIMIZE) #maximize forecast return
model.addConstr(selwt.sum() == 1) #sum of weights of selected tickers equals 1.0
model.addConstr(stksel.sum() == 100) #select 100 tickers
for v in stkwt:
model.addConstr(v == [0.001, 0.03]) #weight constrained to [0.001,0.03]
benchmarkWt = self.index_wt / 100 #benchmark weights
for i in range(len(fac_names)):
facExpo = X.iloc[:,i]
idxExpo =
if idxExpo != 0:
model.addConstr(( - idxExpo) / idxExpo == [-0.5, 0.5]) #factors exposure constraint
Program runs well and constraints looks good except the factors exposure constraint. The factor exposure calculated by the optimized result(weights) listed below. The diff_ratio is expected to be in the range [-0.5,0.5].
FAC1 idxexp: 0.5667 portexp: 0.5526 diff_ratio:-0.0248
FAC2 idxexp:-0.2839 portexp:-0.2109 diff_ratio:-0.2573
FAC3 idxexp:-0.6437 portexp:-0.9656 diff_ratio: 0.5000
FAC4 idxexp:-0.2880 portexp: 0.0910 diff_ratio:-1.3158
FAC5 idxexp: 0.0778 portexp:-0.0475 diff_ratio:-1.6107
FAC6 idxexp: 0.2093 portexp:-0.0412 diff_ratio:-1.1968
FAC7 idxexp:-0.0357 portexp: 0.2357 diff_ratio:-7.6022
FAC8 idxexp:-0.0595 portexp: 0.1994 diff_ratio:-4.3511
FAC9 idxexp: 0.4788 portexp: 0.1135 diff_ratio:-0.7629
FAC0 idxexp: 0.7875 portexp: 0.7225 diff_ratio:-0.0826
I'm not sure if I'm writing the right code for my purpose. Any advice will be great appreciated! Thanks.
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If I use stkwt instead of selwt in exposure constraint and set min weight of stkwt to 0.0(represent that no constraint of select 100 tickers), exposure constraint works well. I wonder how should I write the exposure contraint in my case to select 100 tickers and limit the min weight to 0.001.
------------------------------- code ---------------------------------
model.setObjective(risk_ret, GRB.MAXIMIZE) #maximize forecast return
model.addConstr(stkwt.sum() == 1) #sum of weights of selected tickers equals 1.0
for v in stkwt:
model.addConstr(v == [0.0, 0.03]) #weight constrained to [0.0,0.03]
benchmarkWt = self.index_wt / 100 #benchmark weights
for i in range(len(fac_names)):
facExpo = X.iloc[:,i]
idxExpo =
if idxExpo != 0:
model.addConstr(( - idxExpo) / idxExpo == [-0.5, 0.5]) #factors exposure constraint
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