Re-optimization updating the model X Callback Code
Hi Folks,
I trying to solve a two decisions problem with Gurobi C++ API, the first decision is after minimizing one variable with cost as coefficients, the decision to use the machine on the list becomes binaries, 1 unit committed, 0 non-committed per hour in horizon time. First, I did not decide how to turn the first optimization decision into a binary matrix. And second, I need still with first decision constrained the problem that the machine should run for a certain time.
I created one variable Trun to match the constraint about time running but did not work at all in optimization time, and badly when I did first update() then optimize() again. I looking for the strategy used in the TSP problem ( It seems that this Trun is more suitably set as a lazy constraint in Callback Code. I also need to obey the time to do not run those machines, T_nrun, which will be the sum of binaries 1 shutdown, 0 is ON.
I am not sure about what strategy to choose, because I do not know exactly what is the difference and consequences in choose one or another. Could you please explain that?
Thanks in advance for the answers.
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Hi Alessandra,
It's not very clear to me what you are asking for. Please try to reformulate your question and also consider adding a small code example.
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