How to remove scenarios from Multi-Scenario Gurobi model or transfer it to a normal single Scenario model?
I'm using the Gurobi Multi-Scenario model (scenarios are based on right-hand sides) and I solve it iteratively. So in each iteration, I have a new base model and a new set of scenarios (which is different from the previous set of scenarios). The issue here is that in some iterations I do not have a multi-scenario problem so I like to keep using the Gurobi syntax for a single scenario model while using the same model. (e.g., using RHS instead of ScenRHS).
First: I was wondering how can I delete the previous scenarios from the model before proceeding to the next iteration (i.e, change the model back to a single scenario and then define a new set of scenarios)?
Second: how can I change back a model from multiple scenarios to a single scenario?
Third: In case I use single scenario syntaxes (e.g., RHS) on a multi-scenario model. Does it apply the changes only to the base model?
Your help is much appreciated!
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For the first question, if you want to delete a scenario after you have called model.optimize() it is not possible. While you are building your model, it is possible to delete a scenario by decreasing the value of NumScenarios attribute.
For your second question, you can change the model back to a single scenario after the optimization has been completed. Use the model.singleScenarioModel() attribute to change your multi-scenario model to a single scenario.
In case you use the standard query attributes of Gurobi in a multi-scenario model while not setting the single scenario model attribute, it will only capture the attributes of the base model. In fact, querying a given RHS attribute on a multi-scenario model will return an error if you use the standard constr.RHS
I hope these may help you.
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