Gurobi's output is not within the specified bounds
I'm using cbGetNodeRel() to extract the variables' values, after the resolution of the linear relaxation of the MIP. However, I noticed that the retrieved values are not within the specified boundaries.
Here is an example:
IsUnbounded False
IsOptimal True
IsInfeasible False
Gurobi Output is [-0.2122615124209688, -0.27435047186283634, -0.5000000551328638, -1.2929915821077418, -0.7374218577665886, -0.301111111, 0.0]
inp0 -0.2952339157996051 -0.2122615124209688 : -0.2122615124209688
inp1 -0.0636619772367539 -0.0222816920328639 : -0.27435047186283634
inp2 -0.5000000551328638 -0.498408505701945 : -0.5000000551328638
inp3 -0.5 -0.4545454545454545 : -1.2929915821077418
inp4 -0.5 -0.375 : -0.7374218577665886
inp5 -0.301111111 -0.301111111 : -0.301111111
inp6 0.0 0.0 : 0.0
Your help is really appreciated. Thanks
Could you post your model's coefficient statistics?
0 -
Model has 408 quadratic constraints
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [2e-05, 3e+00]
QMatrix range [5e-09, 2e+00]
QLMatrix range [1e-05, 1e+00]
Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00]
Bounds range [2e-02, 5e-01]
RHS range [1e-02, 8e-01]
QRHS range [1e-05, 6e-01]
Presolve removed 0 rows and 2 columnsContinuous model is non-convex -- solving as a MIP.
Warning: diagonal adjustment of 2.7e-07 performed to make Q PSD
Warning: diagonal adjustment of 4.4e-08 performed to make Q PSD
Warning: diagonal adjustment of 2.2e-08 performed to make Q PSD
Warning: diagonal adjustment of 1.9e-08 performed to make Q PSD
Presolve removed 4 rows and 6 columns
Presolve time: 0.51s
Presolved: 25610 rows, 6697 columns, 305515 nonzeros
Presolved model has 4 quadratic constraint(s)
Presolved model has 6390 bilinear constraint(s)
Variable types: 6697 continuous, 0 integer (0 binary)0
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