gurobipy.GurobiError: Second tuple member should be a Var
I have a constraint as follows that produces error "gurobipy.GurobiError: Second tuple member should be a Var". I do not know how to resolve this.
model.addConstrs(y[j]-y[i] <= (1 - x.sum(i, '*')) for (i, j) in index_pairs)
The full error message is as follows:
ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/DataWarehouse/BreakPolicyComparisonProject/MutipleVehicle/", line 111, in pricing_mip
planning_quantities, dic_distance_matrix, service_time_task, CAPACITY,dual_values)
File "\DataWarehouse\BreakPolicyComparisonProject\MutipleVehicle\", line 163, in generate_pricing_mip_model
1 - var_consecutive_visits_pairs.sum(i, '*')) for (i, j) in index_pairs)
File "src\gurobipy\model.pxi", line 3443, in gurobipy.Model.addConstrs
File "\DataWarehouse\BreakPolicyComparisonProject\MutipleVehicle\", line 163, in <genexpr>
1 - var_consecutive_visits_pairs.sum(i, '*')) for (i, j) in index_pairs)
File "src\gurobipy\linexpr.pxi", line 483, in gurobipy.LinExpr.__mul__
File "src\gurobipy\quadexpr.pxi", line 45, in gurobipy.QuadExpr.__init__
File "src\gurobipy\linexpr.pxi", line 47, in gurobipy.LinExpr.__init__
gurobipy.GurobiError: Second tuple member should be a Var
Could you provide a minimal reproducible example showing this issue?
Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
Thanks. I found out what the problem was. I had simplified my question but it turned out that the source of the error was in the parts, I had excluded.
0 -
I'm facing the same issue while using LinExp(). Can you please let me know how you solved this issue?
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Hey Shashank,
It was a while ago, I do not recall it exactly, however, I think the problem was that for some (i,j) in the index_pair, there was not a corresponding variable defined. So for example tuple (2,3) was in index_pairs but x[2,3] was not defined as a var. I hope this helps.
0 -
Thanks for the reply!
In my case, I'm using the following statement:
objective_func = LinExpr((dict1_ijk.get((i, j, k), 0) *
dict2.get((d, l),0), dict3_dijl.get((d, i, j, l),0))
for d in list1 for j, k, l in list2
for i in dict4_j[j] )In the code snippet above, the second element of the LinExp() function, dict3_dijl.get((d, i, j, l),0), should be Var type but since I'm using get() function to check if that variable is present or not and returning 0 if its not, I'm being thrown with the error telling the second tuple member should be Var (the get() function is returning 0 when the variable is not present).
Can you suggest a way to get past this error?
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