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How to determine how long it will take the simulation to finish?



1 comment

  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Vadim,

    It is not possible to state a priori how long an optimization run will take. It is sometimes possible to derive an approximation of expected time for a fixed model formulation given a big enough data set. Still, even with a big data set, the approximation can be way off the actual time needed.

    In some cases I've waited for weeks only to close the simulation, when it was progressing but not providing me with final values. 

    Often finding the best optimal solution, i.e., waiting until MIPGap reaches 0%, is not practicable, especially for large and/or complex models. Thus, it is recommended to set a realistic MIPGap which will terminate the optimization process once it is reached.

    Best regards, 


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