Issue with dual values for continuous model
AnsweredI have a continuous model with a linear objective function with a minimization sense.
My expectation of duality would be that given:
total = 0
for c in rm.getConstrs():
total += c.RHS * c.Pi
"total" would be equal to the objective value, if strong duality holds, or at least less than the objective value, if weak duality holds.
print(total - rm.ObjVal)
Which has me pretty confused. The Objective value of my model is:
Optimal objective 1.099028532e+07
I'm optimizing with default parameters. Is Gurobi maybe not updating the dual values to the final value after finishing optimization? And if this is the case, can I force this update? Or am I missing something else entirely?
In theory your code is correct. However, in practice, models are not in standard form, i.e., there are also variable bounds and objective constants you have to consider . The following code should do the trick
total = m.ObjCon
for c in m.getConstrs():
total += c.RHS * c.Pi
for v in m.getVars():
if v.VBasis == -1:
total += v.RC *
if v.VBasis == -2:
total += v.RC * v.ubBest regards,
Jaromił1 -
I also had this problem, Jaromił is correct. Please use GRB_INFINITY to define the UB of the variable if it is implicitly bounded by some constraints elsewhere.
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