Log continually print 'Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time xxxs' when I set an initial value for all variables of MIP model
I set a feasible solution as the initial value for all variables of the MIP model, but I get the following log information. I do not know what is meaning of log is.
Set parameter LogFile to value "./log/gurobi_2022-06-30-21-35-44.log"
Set parameter MIPGap to value 0.03
Set parameter TimeLimit to value 17200000
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.5.1 build v9.5.1rc2 (win64)
Thread count: 8 physical cores, 16 logical processors, using up to 16 threads
Optimize a model with 1524608 rows, 1112520 columns and 3617624 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0xbee9fe71
Variable types: 1112467 continuous, 53 integer (53 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [9e-04, 2e+06]
Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00]
Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00]
RHS range [4e-09, 1e+08]Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 5s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 11s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 15s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 20s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 25s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 30s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 35s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 40s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 45s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 51s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 69s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 84s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 105s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 120s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 139s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 154s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 163s
Processing user MIP start: 0 nodes explored in subMIP, total elapsed time 165s
Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Hi Zhanwei,
This is interesting, what happens if you do not provide the initial solution values?
It may just take longer to process the initial solution than it is worth.
I can't really say much more without the model file (e.g. MPS format) and the solution file.
You can share it here, after compressing them using \(\texttt{m.write("model.mps.bz2")}\) and \(\texttt{m.write("model.sol.bz2")}\).
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