Dual value Pi and QCPi for specified constraint - python
I am using Gurobi for Python. I am trying to obtain Pi or QCPi for a specific constraint in my model, similarly as it is asked in the following post:
Referencing constraints and retrieving their dual (Pi) values with C++ – Gurobi Help Center
Could you please extend the explanation for Python as well. I have tried searching for constraint by name and then getting the QCPi attribute, without success:
c0 = model.getConstrByName('dem_%s_%s' % (k,n))
sh_pr[k,n] = c0.get(GRB.Attr.QCPi)
Also, is there a way to see which constraint is associated to Pi when doing the general call: model.getAttr(GRB.Attr.QCPi)
I have also tried the following without succes:
fixed = model.fixed()
fixed.Params.QCPDual = 1
constrs = fixed.getConstrs()
shadow_price = fixed.getAttr(GRB.Attr.QCPi) #this works but there is no information about associated constraints to QCPi values.
sh_pr = np.zeros((len(shadow_price),2))
sh_p_i = 0
for ci in range(0,len(constrs)+1):
sh_pr[sh_p_i,0] = constrs[ci].getAttr(GRB.Attr.QCPi) #this does not work
sh_pr[sh_p_i,1] = constrs[ci].index
sh_p_i = sh_p_i + 1
except Exception:
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Model.getConstrs() returns a list of all linear constraints in the model. Model.getQConstrs() returns a list of all quadratic constraints in the model.
The code
is equivalent to
model.getAttr(GRB.Attr.QCPi, model.getQConstrs())
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Thanks Eli for the clarification. Now it works.
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as I'm writing the above after my initial model , (model=ConcreteModel(name=".......")), has been solved/optimized i get the below message:
'ConcreteModel' object has no attribute 'fixed' .
Could you please advise why I'm getting this? Should i put the code before solving the initial quadtratic MILP model?
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The code included in previous posts applies to models built using \(\texttt{gurobipy}\), Gurobi's native Python interface. Specifically, \(\texttt{model}\) is a Model object, and the user calls the Model.fixed() method.
In contrast, you are building your model using Pyomo. This is a separate, third-party modeling framework. As far as I can tell, the ConcreteModel class has no analogous method to fix every non-continuous variable. However, the Pyomo documentation suggests using the following code snippet to fix all non-continuous variables to their current values:
import pyomo.environ as pyo
for var in instance.component_data_objects(pyo.Var, active=True): if not var.is_continuous(): var.fixed = TrueThe Fixing Variables and Re-solving section of the Pyomo documentation might also be useful.
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