Model contains large quadratic objective coefficient range.
I am trying to solve a QP problem. However, I get in my log file a warning that the model contains a large quadratic objective coefficient range. Consider reformulating model or setting NumericFocus parameter
to avoid numerical issues.
Due to the large range for the quadratic objective coefficient, the solving time is quite large. Is there a solution to fix this warning? Furthermore, I get a sub-optimal solution (see log file beneath).
I tried already the following: - Scaling the inequality constraints by a factor 1e4 (so multiplying model.A and model.rhs with 1e4). If I do this, I get a optimal objective. However, the solution seems to change a tiny bit in comparison to the sub-optimal solution, where I would expect a bigger difference. Furthermore, is it allowed to multiply your inequality constraint with a specific factor? -The second thing, I tried is by using a NumericFocus = 1. The warning about numerical issues is then not visible anymore in the log file. The result does not change then either and the solving time remains about the same.
Does anyone have another solution which I could try or knows what is exactly wrong (the result seems to converge too quickly)?
Thanks in advance!
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.0.0 build v9.0.0rc2 (win64)
Optimize a model with 1800 rows, 900 columns and 293640 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x5b816b45
Model has 405358 quadratic objective terms
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [2e-09, 6e+01]
Objective range [8e-04, 5e+03]
QObjective range [2e-09, 1e+05]
Bounds range [0e+00, 0e+00]
RHS range [1e+01, 1e+01]
Warning: Model contains large quadratic objective coefficient range
Consider reformulating model or setting NumericFocus parameter
to avoid numerical issues.
Presolve removed 1428 rows and 0 columns
Presolve time: 0.16s
Presolved: 372 rows, 1272 columns, 146664 nonzeros
Presolved model has 405358 quadratic objective terms
Ordering time: 0.01s
Barrier statistics:
Free vars : 899
AA' NZ : 8.059e+05
Factor NZ : 8.084e+05 (roughly 8 MBytes of memory)
Factor Ops : 6.852e+08 (less than 1 second per iteration)
Threads : 4
Objective Residual
Iter Primal Dual Primal Dual Compl Time
0 -1.82862120e+09 -2.24144781e+06 1.04e+05 4.40e+02 1.00e+06 1s
1 -9.47293849e+07 -3.88370152e+06 5.43e+03 4.83e+01 5.93e+04 1s
2 -1.58312380e+07 -2.95939340e+06 9.01e+02 8.64e+00 1.21e+04 1s
3 -3.88967159e+06 -2.01547634e+06 2.20e+02 2.01e+00 3.57e+03 1s
4 -9.73768926e+05 -1.23614068e+06 5.23e+01 5.02e-01 1.37e+03 1s
5 -3.95343773e+05 -6.89353016e+05 1.92e+01 1.77e-01 6.07e+02 1s
6 -1.66432690e+05 -3.55566137e+05 6.17e+00 5.94e-02 2.55e+02 1s
7 -9.20578170e+04 -2.09691804e+05 1.66e+00 1.54e-02 1.05e+02 2s
8 -6.74517981e+04 -1.12550992e+05 4.13e-05 7.08e-09 2.08e+01 2s
9 -7.48550002e+04 -8.48427537e+04 2.33e-06 1.69e-10 4.60e+00 2s
10 -7.70695104e+04 -8.07656538e+04 2.76e-07 2.10e-11 1.70e+00 2s
11 -7.80862121e+04 -7.85630450e+04 1.51e-08 2.89e-11 2.20e-01 2s
12 -7.82261866e+04 -7.83132205e+04 1.72e-09 3.67e-11 4.01e-02 2s
13 -7.82592114e+04 -7.82633547e+04 1.42e-09 2.00e-11 1.91e-03 2s
14 -7.82620134e+04 -7.82609388e+04 2.34e-03 2.02e-11 7.71e-05 3s
15 -7.82533352e+04 -7.82609371e+04 2.81e-03 1.92e-11 7.58e-05 3s
16 -7.82516986e+04 -7.82609287e+04 3.02e-03 1.96e-11 6.55e-05 3s
17 -7.82675915e+04 -7.82609147e+04 4.04e-03 1.75e-11 4.54e-05 3s
18 -7.82876758e+04 -7.82609153e+04 5.45e-03 1.62e-11 3.50e-05 3s
19 -7.82878447e+04 -7.82609590e+04 1.09e-02 1.82e-11 2.95e-05 3s
20 -7.82818420e+04 -7.82609597e+04 1.93e-02 1.34e-11 2.71e-05 3s
21 -7.82802284e+04 -7.82611320e+04 1.90e-02 1.80e-11 2.55e-05 3s
22 -7.83425297e+04 -7.82612689e+04 2.79e-02 1.71e-11 2.40e-05 4s
23 -7.84600816e+04 -7.82614475e+04 5.72e-02 1.93e-11 2.37e-05 4s
24 -7.82014689e+04 -7.82615088e+04 6.32e-02 2.11e-11 1.88e-05 4s
25 -7.81786827e+04 -7.82640655e+04 6.51e-02 2.20e-11 1.43e-05 4s
26 -7.77791677e+04 -7.82649782e+04 2.03e-01 3.16e-11 1.38e-05 4s
27 -7.81202228e+04 -7.82650596e+04 2.48e-01 3.34e-11 1.38e-05 4s
28 -7.79205906e+04 -7.82724055e+04 2.67e-01 5.74e-11 1.44e-05 4s
29 -7.89814984e+04 -7.82824883e+04 2.40e-01 5.71e-11 2.49e-04 4s
30 -7.98835651e+04 -7.82868436e+04 5.75e-01 2.23e-11 2.95e-04 5s
31 -7.99041124e+04 -7.82837040e+04 5.42e-01 3.50e-11 2.22e-04 5s
32 -7.96828224e+04 -7.82831925e+04 5.25e-01 1.92e-11 2.21e-04 5s
33 -7.92742409e+04 -7.83089355e+04 5.00e-01 3.73e-11 1.99e-04 5s
34 -7.90700830e+04 -7.83172952e+04 4.40e-01 1.03e-10 1.83e-04 5s
35 -7.92446939e+04 -7.83689350e+04 3.90e-01 9.11e-11 3.79e-05 5s
36 -8.03006893e+04 -7.83679067e+04 8.99e-01 7.60e-11 5.19e-05 5s
37 -8.02647319e+04 -7.83818041e+04 8.60e-01 1.15e-10 7.54e-05 5s
38 -8.02057803e+04 -7.83933746e+04 8.91e-01 3.86e-11 8.62e-05 6s
39 -8.08051444e+04 -7.84078069e+04 8.60e-01 3.38e-11 7.04e-05 6s
40 -7.90421229e+04 -7.84001782e+04 1.96e+00 1.39e-10 1.59e-04 6s
41 -7.88354416e+04 -7.84324308e+04 1.89e+00 1.50e-10 1.42e-04 6s
42 -6.93112964e+04 -7.84522870e+04 3.55e+00 1.31e-10 5.87e-04 6s
43 -7.36234701e+04 -7.84627270e+04 3.98e+00 1.78e-10 5.31e-04 6s
44 -7.38552647e+04 -7.84757577e+04 4.52e+00 2.06e-10 4.91e-04 6s
45 -7.40079626e+04 -7.85031759e+04 4.28e+00 8.87e-11 1.28e-03 7s
46 -7.39126053e+04 -7.84981948e+04 4.22e+00 6.97e-11 1.24e-03 7s
47 -7.39760296e+04 -7.85010903e+04 4.19e+00 2.07e-11 1.23e-03 7s
48 -7.38244694e+04 -7.85590213e+04 4.16e+00 3.65e-11 3.43e-03 7s
49 -7.38287097e+04 -7.85584892e+04 4.15e+00 2.05e-11 3.43e-03 7s
50 -7.40238112e+04 -7.85785264e+04 4.12e+00 3.55e-11 4.43e-03 7s
51 -7.44612792e+04 -7.85757060e+04 3.53e+00 4.52e-11 7.89e-03 7s
Barrier performed 51 iterations in 7.32 seconds
Sub-optimal termination - objective -7.82592114e+04
This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?. -
Scaling a constraint by an arbitrary factor does not change the solution of your model. It may, however, change the numerical properties and -- especially for numerically challenging models -- this can also lead to slightly different solutions (e.g. due to different rounding errors). Also note that the absolute tolerances (such as FeasibilityTol or IntFeasTol) will stay unchanged with scaling. So e.g. multiplying a row by 1/2 will allow twice as big a violation. We usually recommend scaling your constraints so that a violation of about 1e-6 is negligible.
The NumericFocus parameter lets Gurobi be more careful with numerical calculations. (E.g. it uses tighter tolerances such as the Markowitz tolerance, a smaller step length for barrier and less aggressive cuts.) Do higher values help?
Did you switch of crossover for your run? What happens with crossover?
The most reliable fix would be to revisit your model formulation and try to improve the numerics. Maybe our Numerics Guidelines contain some helpful information.
0 -
Hi Silke,
Thanks for your response. I have still a couple of questions based on your answer.
Which numerical properties may change when you use scaling? Could you give examples?
Furthermore, you say: "We usually recommend scaling your constraints so that a violation of about 1e-6 is negligible". How could I check which scaling number leads to the fact that a violation of 1e-6 is neglible?
A NumericFocus of 1 changes the solution slightly (and is still wrong), and a NumericFocus of 2 gives the same solution as the original solution. This seems strange to me. Is there an explanation why for a NumericFocus of 1 the solution is slightly different from the original solution and a NumericFocus of 2 gives the same solution as the original solution?
Furthermore, I did not do anything with the parameter crossover (so it has its default value), because it is stated in the documentation that crossover is not available for QP models. However, I still tried it: With params.crossover =0 the solution does not change and when I set params.crossover = -1 the solution also does not change. So, it seems that crossover doesn't have an influence on the solution. What does that mean?
Finally, I changed FeasibilityTol and IntFeasTol from the default value, respectively 1e-6 and 1e-5, to the minimum and maximum value (1e-9 and 1-e2 for FeasibilityTol and 1e-9 and 1e-2 for IntFeasTol). These changes also did not change the original solution, but that also seems strange.
Kind regards