Gurobi crashes in the cbcut
Hi Gurobi community,
I'm using Python Gurobi interface on linux. I'm using a callback function to add a set of valid inequalities. My callback looks like this:
def mycallback(m, where):
if where == GRB.Callback.MIPNODE:
SOME LAZY CUTS ... (This part works perfectly)
if where == GRB.Callback.MIPNODE:
sol_beta = m.cbGetNodeRel(Beta)
sol_g = m.cbGetNodeRel(g)
sol_v = m.cbGetNodeRel(v_var)
rhs2= LinExpr()
lhs = LinExpr()
for j,k in List_edges:
index +=1
if sol_g[j,k] >=0.0000001:
if sol_v[j,k] +0.00001 <= (2*sol_beta[j,k])*sol_beta[j,k] +(-1*sol_beta[j,k]*sol_beta[j,k])*sol_g[j,k]:
bar_beta1[index] = (sol_beta[j,k])/float(sol_g[j,k])
lhs= m._v_var[index]
rhs1 = (2*bar_beta1[index])*m._beta_var[index]
rhs2= (-1*bar_beta1[index]*bar_beta1[index])*m._g_var[index]
CNUM1[index]=m.cbCut(lhs - rhs1- rhs2 >= 0)
m.params.PreCrush = 1
m.Params.lazyConstraints = 1
m._v_var = m.getVars()[:len(List_edges)]
m._beta_var = m.getVars()[len(List_edges):2*len(List_edges)]
m._g_var = m.getVars()[2*len(List_edges):3*len(List_edges)]
When I use m.cbCut(lhs -rhs1>=0), I can run my model fine. However, the current model gives me an strange error which I cannot debug. The error is as follows:
*** Error in `/home/hasan/Packages/anaconda2/bin/python2.7': realloc(): invalid next size: 0x000055d3d4818990 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fa4d83ec839] ...
I really appreciate your help. What could be the source of the problem.
Please create a self-contained, minimal working example and submit a ticket at This way we can try to reproduce it on our end.
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