Gurobi with JupyterHub
I manage a JupyterHub under Docker/Swarm, for academic purposes.
Using a programming language (Juila or another) as a support for teaching something else can be implemented using (at least) three ways:
- the BYOD way: students have to install the software on their personal computers. The lecturer spends a lot of time solving installation problems
- Hands-on session rooms: the Computer science department staff has to maintain the computers students use. It can be a huge load, if lecturers use many different languages
- JupyterHub: a centralized pool of servers runs it. The students have just to launch a web browser.
I haven't found any mention of jupyterHub associated with Gurobi, and I ask myself why.
Thanks for any information on this point
H. Delebecque
Hi Henri,
This may be not relevant anymore, but I wanted to close this question.
When installing Gurobi via pip or conda, a size-restricted license is included that allows using Gurobi without any further licensing steps required. This is also how our examples on Google Colab are set up: Optimization with Python - Jupyter Notebook Modeling Examples - Gurobi
If you are hosting your own JupyterHub, you can just set up a free academic site license that serves all users that run their notebooks on that server.
Please excuse us for not replying earlier!
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