Conditional statement in Gurobi
AnsweredSuppose I have four variables a,b,c,d with vtype = INTEGER
minimize: |a-15| + |b-16| + |c-18| + |d-17|
if c-d == -1, then b-a >= 1
some more constraints
Is it possible to model the conditional contraint in gurobi with python interface?
Thanks for any help
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Gurobi supports indicator constraints, which allow you to add constraints of the form
$$(\textrm{binary variable} = 0 \textrm{ or } 1) \implies (\textrm{some linear constraint}).$$
So, we only need to figure out how to rewrite the conditional constraint using constraints of this form. Our goal is to model:
$$c - d = -1 \implies b - a \geq 1.$$
We first introduce a binary variable \( z \). The above implication is equivalent to the following:
$$\begin{align*}c - d = -1 &\implies z = 1 \\ z = 1 &\implies b - a \geq 1\end{align*}$$
\( (z = 1) \implies (b - a \geq 1) \) matches the requisite indicator constraint form, but \( (c - d = -1) \implies (z = 1) \) does not. Let's try to rewrite the latter in Gurobi's indicator constraint form. The implication is logically equivalent to
$$z = 0 \implies c - d \neq -1.$$
Because \( c \) and \( d \) are integers, this is equivalent to
$$z = 0 \implies |c - d + 1| \geq 1,$$
or, after introducing auxiliary variables \( u \) and \( y \):
$$\begin{align*}u &= c - d + 1 \\ y &= |u| \\ z &= 0 \implies y \geq 1. \end{align*}$$
\( (z = 0) \implies (y \geq 1) \) matches the desired indicator constraint form. Altogether, we have shown the original conditional constraint is equivalent to the following:
$$\begin{align*}u &= c - d + 1 \\ y &= |u| \\ z &= 0 \implies y \geq 1 \\ z &= 1 \implies b - a \geq 1.\end{align*}$$
In Gurobi's Python interface, we can model these four constraints using the aforementioned indicator constraints and the absolute value helper function:
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
# create model m and add variables a, b, c, and d here
# auxiliary variables
u = m.addVar(lb=-GRB.INFINITY, name='u')
y = m.addVar(name='y')
z = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='z')
# y == |c - d + 1|
m.addConstr(u == c - d + 1)
m.addConstr(y == gp.abs_(u))
# (c - d == -1) => (b - a >= 1)
m.addConstr((z == 0) >> (y >= 1))
m.addConstr((z == 1) >> (b - a >= 1))1 -
Hi, I have the same problem but the logic is a bit different. I want to model:
if I - safety stock >= 0 then X = 1; otherwise X = 0
I have the code as follows but I am not sure if this is correct:
Z = LP.addVars(months, items, vtype = GRB.BINARY, name = "Z")
U = LP.addVars(months, items, lb = - GRB.INFINITY, name = "U")
L = LP.addVars(months, items, name = "L")
Constraint4 = LP.addConstrs(U[months[a], item] == I[months[a], item] - safety_stock[item]
for item in items)
Constraint5 = LP.addConstrs(L[months[a],item] == gp.abs_(U[months[a],item]) for item in items)
Constraint6 = LP.addConstrs((Z[months[a],item] == 0) >> (L[months[a],item] >= 0) for item in items)
Constraint7 = LP.addConstrs((Z[months[a],item] == 1) >> (X[months[a],item] == 1) for item in items)0 -
Continued in conditional constraint in Gurobi.
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