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Gurobi stuck at gap=100%

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  • Official comment
    Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff
    This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?.
  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    When your bound is 0, then the MIPGap will always be 100% by definition and lose its meaning. It looks like your optimal solution point has an objective value of 0 or very close to it. For such cases, it might be useful to define an absolute MIPGap of, e.g., 1e-5. This will terminate the solution process if \(|z_P - z_D| \leq 10^{-5}\).

    If you insist on proving and finding the best solution possible, i.e., best bound = best feasible point, then you could try using the no relaxation heuristic or setting the MIPFocus parameter to 1.


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