How can I give weight to one of objective function in a multiple objective function?
Awaiting user inputI am going to give the different amounts to alpha, but I do not know how should write in my Python.
Min z=∑_jϵJ〖SVIj * rj 〗+α ∑_iϵI ∑_jϵJ〖PFij * xij 〗
how can I give different amounts instead of alpha in my code?
my code is
m.setObjective(sum((df.SVI[j] * r[j]) for j in CT) + αsum(df2[i][j] * x[i,j] for i in H for j in CT), GRB.MINIMIZE)
when I put α=5 or any amounts GUROBI in python gives me
SyntaxError: invalid syntax |
could you plz let me know how can I give the different amounts to alpha?
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Hi Matin,
Could you tell which variables are optimization variables and which variables are constants?
Do you introduce \(\alpha\) as an optimization variable? If \(\texttt{df}\) and \(\texttt{df2}\) are constants and \(r,x,\alpha\) are optimization variables, then you could try the code
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
m.setObjective(gp.quicksum(df.SVI[j] * r[j] for j in CT)
+ gp.quicksum(df2[i][j] * x[i,j] * alpha for i in H for j in CT),
GRB.MINIMIZE)If the above does not help, could you provide a minimal working example showing the issue?
Best regards,
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