Is it possible to have constraints such as z^1.5 <= v in the model
AnsweredI have a problem with constraints: z^1.5 <= v.
It is possible to write power constraints as z^1.5 = v.
But, is it possible to have constraints such as z^1.5 <= v, where z, v >=0?
Is it possible to have z^1.5 <= vx, where x is binary?
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Hi Ebru,
Have you tried using the GRBModel.addGenConstrPow() method? To model \( z^{1.5} \leq v\), you can have:
z = model.addVar(name="z")
y = model.addVar(name="y")
v = model.addVar(name="v")
model.addGenConstrPow(z, y, 1.5, name="map_power") # y = z^1.5
model.addConstr(y <= v, name="inequality_constr")Gurobi versions 9.0 and later support bilinear constraints. To model \( z^{1.5} \leq vx\), you can have:
x = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
model.addConstr( y <= v * x, name="bilinear_constr")Best regrads,
1 -
Thank you Maliheh.
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