List comprehension syntax in addGenConstrAnd type of constraints
I need to model a constraint which is like --> y is true if x is true and z[i] are true for i in lst_i.
What is the best way to model this constraint using gurobipy?
I am using 'addGenConstrAnd' construct within a for loop for every i in lst_i, but I am sure there exists an elegant way to model the list comprehension within addGenConstrAnd/ addGenConstrOr type of constraints. Any help is appreciated!
Hi Madhushini,You can first build the list of variables over which the AND concatenation will be taken and then use the Model.addGenConstrAnd() method.
vars = [x]
vars.extend([z_i for i in lst_i])
model.addGenConstrAnd(y, vars, name="and")Best regards,Maliheh0 -
Thank you, that works!
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