grbgetkey: command not found
AnsweredHi, I am currently installing Gurobi in a cloud-based Linux system. You can see clearly that there is a file named grbgetkey. But the bash still tells me "command not found". I have already set the environmental variables. How can I fix it?
I have redone all the steps as well as reboot the system multiple times. But the problem is always there.
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I also have tried the method of specifying full path of the command. Still doesn't work.
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It looks like the \( \texttt{PATH} \) variable still does not include \( \texttt{/opt/gurobi951/linux64/bin} \). What is the output of \( \texttt{echo \$PATH} \)? How did you set the environment variables?
- If you are in the \( \texttt{/opt/gurobi951/linux64/bin} \) directory, try running \( \texttt{./grbgetkey <code>} \) instead of \( \texttt{grbgetkey <code>} \). This should work even if your \( \texttt{PATH} \) variable does not include \( \texttt{/opt/gurobi951/linux64/bin} \).
- When running \( \texttt{grbgetkey} \) by specifying the full path to the executable, you need to include a \( \texttt{/} \) before \( \texttt{opt} \). That is, \( \texttt{/opt/gurobi951/linux64/bin/grbgetkey <code>} \) instead of \( \texttt{opt/gurobi951/linux64/bin/grbgetkey <code>} \).
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Thanks, Eli
I have resolved the problem.
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