Starting with Gurobi 9.5, type hinting is available for most classes and functions in the gurobipy package.
Gurobi version 11+
For Gurobi versions 11.0 and later, type hints are included in the gurobipy package. If you previously had gurobipy-stubs installed, you should remove it from your Python environment to use the type hints for version 11+.
Gurobi versions 9.5 and 10.0
For Gurobi versions 9.5 and 10.0, the type hints were distributed as a separate Python package, gurobipy-stubs, on The following command installs the appropriate version of the gurobipy-stubs package for the given version of gurobipy into your Python environment:
python -m pip install gurobipy-stubs gurobipy==10.0.3
When using Gurobi 11+ (or Gurobi 9.5-10.0 with the gurobipy-stubs package), IDEs like Visual Studio Code and PyCharm configured to use the corresponding Python environment will display autocomplete suggestions and catch certain type-related errors for gurobipy code.
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