Error message when executing gurobi_c1 in Windows
AnsweredThe gurobi is successfully installed in Windows. When I run the my first model, I got the following error message. Who can help me?
gurobi> gurobi_cl c:\gurobi912\win64\examples\data\coins.lp
File "<stdin>", line 1
gurobi_cl c:\gurobi912\win64\examples\data\coins.lp
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
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Hi Qiang,
It seems that you are trying to run the Gurobi Command-Line Tool \( \texttt{gurobi_cl} \) from within the Interactive Shell, which is opened using the Gurobi icon on the Windows Desktop or by calling \( \texttt{gurobi.bat} \).
These are two separate tools, you can either
- Call \( \texttt{gurobi_cl c:\gurobi912\win64\examples\data\coins.lp} \) from a terminal such as "cmd" outside the interactive shell, or
- Open the interactive shell and create a model and optimize it using for example the commands
m = read("c:\gurobi912\win64\examples\data\coins.lp")
m.optimize()I hope this helps.
Best regards,
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