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Variables and constraints



1 comment

  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    I expect the first approach to work correctly:

    c1 = m.addConstrs((X.sum(p, '*') == 30 for p in P))

    The second approach should work correctly as well (after fixing a few typos), though the first is more clear and concise. What makes you believe the constraints are incorrect? As a sanity check, you could save each of the \( |P| \) row summations as a LinExpr object. Then, after calling Model.optimize(), call LinExpr.getValue() to check the values of the row summations in the optimal solution:

    rowsum = {p: X.sum(p, '*') for p in P}
    c1 = m.addConstrs((rowsum[p] == 30 for p in P))

    # ...


    # check row summation values at optimal solution
    for p in P:
    print(rowsum[p], '=', rowsum[p].getValue())

    The result should be something like this:

    <gurobi.LinExpr: X[0,0] + X[0,1] + X[0,2] + X[0,3] + X[0,4]> = 30.0
    <gurobi.LinExpr: X[1,0] + X[1,1] + X[1,2] + X[1,3] + X[1,4]> = 30.0
    <gurobi.LinExpr: X[2,0] + X[2,1] + X[2,2] + X[2,3] + X[2,4]> = 30.0
    <gurobi.LinExpr: X[3,0] + X[3,1] + X[3,2] + X[3,3] + X[3,4]> = 30.0

    You could also use Model.write() to write out an LP file of the model, then visually inspect the constraints for correctness:


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