When using the Gurobi OptiMods package, you may encounter the following error when attempting to run a Mod:
Restricted license - for non-production use only - expires 2024-10-28
ValueError: Given data exceeds Gurobi trial license limits; please see
to resolve this issue
Why am I seeing this error?
Gurobi OptiMods is an open source package distributed under the Apache-2.0 license, however it depends on a commercial package (gurobipy) which requires a license. When installed via pip or conda, gurobipy ships with a limited trial license for the Gurobi Optimizer which handles models up to a certain size. The example datasets in the OptiMods documentation can all be solved using this trial license, however when using larger input datasets you may encounter this error. To run the Mod successfully with your larger dataset, you will need a full license for Gurobi.
What can I do about it?
- If you are a commercial user: please visit https://www.gurobi.com/free-trial/ to request a full-featured Evaluation License which will allow you to use datasets of unrestricted size in the OptiMods.
- If you are an academic user: Gurobi provides free licenses for faculty members, students and staff at recognized academic institutions. In most cases you can generate a license yourself through the self-service feature of the Gurobi user portal. Please see How do I obtain a free academic license? for further instructions.
More details
Gurobi Optimods formulates an optimization model to solve the problem defined in the Mod, and ultimately, this error occurs because the model size exceeds the limit we have set for trial licenses. If that model has more than 2000 variables or constraints (200 if the model includes quadratic terms) then a full Gurobi license is required. You may encounter this error for smaller datasets when using some Mods compared to others, as the complexity of the mathematical formulation varies between Mods.
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