You may encounter the following error when using grbgetkey to set up a license file on your machine:
error : Problem generating unique host ID for this machine.
For many license types (like academic named-user licenses), Gurobi uses information from the machine's primary network adapter to generate a host ID. This error indicates there was a problem generating a static host ID from the machine's primary network adapter. It is common to see this error when using grbgetkey in containerized and/or virtualized environments like Docker, QEMU, and OpenVZ.
To resolve the error:
- If you are using virtualization software that allows it, try assigning a unique, static MAC address to the virtual machine/server. This is typically not an option in containerized environments like Docker.
- Consider using a Web License Service (WLS) license instead. WLS licenses can be run in virtually any environment and do not rely on the machine having a static host ID.
- Commercial users can contact their account manager for more information or request a trial license on the Gurobi website.
- Academic users can request a free academic WLS license in the Gurobi User Portal. Academic WLS licenses can be renewed in the Gurobi User Portal once they expire.
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